Friday 2 January 2015

Taylor Swift: My queen. My savior.

Note: This text is not written from me. I saw it on Tumblr and thought it was pretty awesome. But I added some touches to it. Credit to Tumblr user 'swikes' for this :) Go follow her, amazing blogger and blog. (I'm pretty sure she's a her...). So here we go.

To the people who hates Taylor Swift.
‘Can we like, talk about, how Taylor Swift is like, so, dramatic? Like omg!’
‘Her songs are only about love and guys that dumped her.’

First of all. Quit your whining, because some of your friends have been out with more people than she has, and they’re probably a lot younger. Second of all, all songs are about love...every single one of them.
But anyway,
No, we can’t talk about either of those things. What we can talk about, though, is the fact that things like these are the reason that:
she told Rolling Stone that she doesn’t date anymore
  • she finds it necessary to make fun of herself every chance she gets
  • why “Shake it Off” exists
  • why she refuses to date even though it’s her own personal life
  • did i mention that she doesn’t allow herself to date anymore lol
This isn’t funny. This is disgusting. Sure, she looks like she’s shrugging it off like a joke. I get that it’s a joke. So does she. But do people not understand that Taylor Alison Swift’s entire future is basically ruined? She has dated six people in her entire eight year career. Six. Not fifteen in the last year. Not twelve. Not six people in eight months. Six people in eight YEARS. Still, though, she seems to get slammed for it by every media outlet, by every award show host, by every country music fan, by every One Direction fan, by every person who reads any magazine where they pull information out of their asses to get money. They have no problem ruining someone’s reputation for money.
Taylor Swift is a twenty-five year old girl who will eventually need someone to spend the rest of her life with. How is that going to happen now? Not only does Taylor get bashed, but any male she is seen with gets bashed. Taylor could be seen with her brother and get slammed for having a new boyfriend. Sorry,, but I don’t think Taylor’s very much into incest.
Whoever decides to date Taylor is going to get crap on by magazines and people everywhere. “Haha, bro, watch out. She might write a song about you” will probably be the end to every article about her future boyfriend and her relationship. Maybe some man out there will be able to brush that off, but what the...frickle frack?
A twenty-five year old girl with a heart of absolute gold shouldn’t be forced to go through that. She is trying to live her dream while leaving the greatest impact on the world she possibly can, and now she has to control what she released, who she dates, who she’s seen with, and basically just control every single little aspect of her life. I get that it’s the life of a celebrity, but take Adam Levine for example. He’s a great guy. He’s also idolized by women everywhere. He’s had more relationships in his career than Taylor. Do you hear about that? No.
Get rid of the double standard; let Taylor Swift live her life without the rumors, the jokes, and the hate. As someone who Taylor has impacted positively, it’s just really annoying.
You know when you’re in class with someone who has no idea what the heck they’re talking about? That’s what being a Swiftie is like, everywhere. Turn on the TV, false information. Open a magazine, false information. Scroll through Twitter, false information.
Instead of making jokes about Taylor’s relationship-life, why don’t you make fun of her for, I don’t know, something harmless? Tell her she’s addicted to Instagram because she is sometimes seen up at 4 in the morning commenting paragraph upon paragraph of comforting messages to teens who are dealing with things they don’t know how to deal with.

Thank you very much.
Oh! And in her ‘1989’ album, did you know that she accidentally released 8 seconds of white noise, and it made it to the top of Candian, and possibly in more countries, iTunes chart.

:) Perfect Elliot going offline xxx

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