Tuesday 16 December 2014

#YouTubeRewind 2014

As most you may already now, YouTube Spotlight has made a #YouTubeRewind for this year; 2014. For those who don't know what #YouTubeRewind is. It's basically a video of all the famous videos/music videos and your favorite YouTubers in one. Some YouTubers that are included in this year's one are:
  • MyHarto
  • Tyler Oakley
  • Connor Franta
  • Pewdiepie 
  • Tyler the Creator 
  • Jenna Marbles
  • Pentatonix
and lots more!

I think this is such a clever idea! They should have put it up on a Thursday though, so it's like a "Throwback Thursday", but, if I'm right, they put it up on a Wednesday, but that's fine! I also think that they should add some British YouTubers as well, like Zoella, Louise, Joe, Alfie, Marcus, etc.
I think Zoella was one of my most highlighted (does that make sense?) YouTubers of 2014, for selling out Girl Online on the first week and beating J.K. Rowling's record (apparently).
Connor Franta would have to be one as well, for coming out as gay to us. I'm honestly so proud of him, I think most of us are. He's been through a lot, like most, but, coming out, is probably one of the hardest thing a closet gay can go through. I think...

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKx2B8WCQuw

:) Elliot Perfect going offline xxx

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