Tuesday 23 December 2014

My Dog And His Friend.

Okay. So I was just jamming to Christmas songs, because Christmas is in two days (!!!) and so I was bored, I'm usually on Tumblr, but I decided to not be on Tumblr that often. So I was scrolling down on my Facebook News Feed and came across a post that had a picture of my dog and the dog we dog-sit (?) saying that they have been bugging the walkers and if they see them again wondering around, they'll have to put them down.
The gates are always closed because common sense, no one wants their dogs out and about so they either get out by themselves, somehow, or they get let out by someone.
But anyway, this post said something along the lines of not being impressed and getting "bugged" by my dogs because she was walking and they came across her way. And so the whole town knows about it now, and people are commenting things like:
"Report them"
"They need to be put down"
"No impressed either"
And this one beeping lady commented something along the lines of: They need to be reported, my dog got put down because she/he escaped my property.
What the actually frickle frack is wrong with people in this town?! My dogs, might get put down because her's got put down?! WHAT?!
Spikey and Ziggy doesn't know how to attack. Spike's attack is sniffing you and following you until you get annoyed and Spike is a Jack Russel and another type of dog cross breed thingy. Ziggy's attack is licking your ankles and kissing you until you get annoyed and Ziggy is a fury sausage type of dog! They don't know how to attack!

So in conclusion, my dogs might get put down if they are seen wondering around the streets again, and come across walkers' ways.
I was so happy and now I'm all depressed.

:( Elliot Perfect going offline xxx

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