Wednesday 17 December 2014

Girl Online By Zoella/Zoe Sugg Came In The Mail Today.

 So look at what came in the mail today! Girl Online by Zoella/Zoe Sugg came! I literally jumped around and fanboyed for ages! We were actually waiting for my dad so we could go to my best friend's house because it's her birthday today. So Dad knocked on the kitchen window I was sitting next to, and he held up the packaging and my end of the year report at school. And I jumped because GIRL ONLINE! GAAAAAAAAAH!
I wrote a blog post about this book and Zoe's "ghostwriter" this morning actually.
The cover looks amazing.
The smell smells amazing.
Everything looks amazing!

Except for the fact that some pages are wavy because it was raining so hard today!  :(
I will write a review about the book when I am finish. I am currently finishing Blood Of Olympus by Rick Riordan, from the series: Heroes of Olympus. It's the last book so I'm quiet sad because I grew up reading the series and I cry a million times each time I read it. I might actually write a review about the series too. I don't know yet.

I bought this in It costed $28 something. It's $26-$27 and plus the shipping. I was gonna buy it in Whitcoulls online, but they said it ran out of stock the time I was gonna buy it. :(

But, yeah. I'm gonna write a review on Girl Online when I am finish with it! I hope she writes a sequel!

:) Elliot Perfect going offline xxx

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