Wednesday 24 December 2014

Worse Christmas!

So, so, I hope you all are having or had a lovely lovely Christmas, unlike me.

So first of all, I had to altar serve. (For those who don't know altar serving is when you are the little people that do the little stuff for the priest, search it up, I am very bad at explaining things.) I barely even knew what I was doing, and embarrassed myself in front of a lot of people. One of the people I like were even there, so face palm. And then I almost tripped because we had to wear a long beige cloth thingy that was so long! When I tried walking it just kept folding, so I had to hold it to try not to fall, then I had to hold the candle with two hands as well, so tried my best, I didn't trip though, so phew!

So then, we go to my friend's house for dinner. And ended up staying there until 3 in the morning, and I actually just got back from there, not 10 minutes ago.

When we got there, you could feel the unwelcome-ness in the air. Like, I know you want a Christmas of your own for once since we got to New Zealand, but b#$%^, you don't have to say to me a thousand times that you didn't want us here. I didn't choose to spend Christmas there. My father and her father did. Not me. GAH! She is such a bleeping cow!

When I was opening my present, there was this lady that was telling me to hurry up and kept saying "Oh, guys, we'll be here until tomorrow." I was so pissed.
I'm one of those people that have to take out the wrapping carefully and not just go dive in and rip everything.
Why was she even watching me unwrap my presents? Why should she care how I unwrap my present? It's my bleeping present, lady!

Anyways, Happy Christmas!

:/ Elliot Perfect going offline xxx

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